Adverse Childhood Experiences Leads to Greater Upper Trap Activation

Individuals who experience adverse events as children have increased activity in the upper trapezius as adults.

A new study examined 115 people and measured the EMG activity of their trapezius muscle while exposed to stressful circumstances. The authors found that muscle activity was increased in those individuals who reported experiencing more adverse events as children.


Many people suffer from tension and discomfort in the upper trapezius area. This study supports the theory that stressful events can trigger increased tension in the area and that events in our early childhood greatly influence how our body copes with stress.


Luijcks, R., Vossen, C. J., Roggeveen, S., van Os, J., Hermens, H. J., & Lousberg, R. (2016). Impact of early life adversity on EMG stress reactivity of the trapezius muscle. Medicine95(39).