Patellar Tendinopathy More Common in Supinated Feet

The positioning of the subtalar joint may impact the health of the knee.


A new study examined the natural foot position of 22o professional basketball players. The study found that those individuals who had very supinated feet had a 30% higher rate of patellar tendinopathy.



The ankle has a major influence on the knee, and individuals who wish to avoid knee pain should ensure that proper ankle mobility and stability are present. Those who experience ankle dysfunction may be more likely to endure knee pain as a result.



Lopezosa-Reca, E., Gijon-Nogueron, G., Morales-Asencio, J. M., Cervera-Marin, J. A., & Luque-Suarez, A. (2017). Is There Any Association Between Foot Posture and Lower Limb-Related Injuries in Professional Male Basketball Players? A Cross-Sectional Study. Clinical journal of sport medicine: official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine.