Pole Vaulters with Poor Hip Flexion More Likely to Develop Back Pain

Pole vaulters may be more likely to develop low back pain if they lack hip flexion.

In a new study published in the “Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine”, researchers assessed PROM, AROM, and strength in the hip and knee of competitive pole vaulters. The researchers followed these athletes over the course of 1 year and assessed the frequency of low back pain occurrences.

Over the course of the year, the pole vaulters who initially began the study with reduced hip flexion ROM or strength exhibited an increased frequency of LBP over the next year compared to the athletes with normal ROM/strength.


When athletes lack motion at one joint, they often compensate by creating extra motion at the joint above or below the site of limitation. In this case, poor hip flexion likely lead to compensatory flexion at the low back. Achieving and preserving optimal joint mobility is often essential for prevention of injury.


Enoki S, et al.Internal risk factors for low back pain in pole vaulters and decathletes: a prospective study. Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2021 Feb.