Risk for ACL Injury Increased by Genes that Regulate Inflammation

One factor that may increase one’s susceptibility to sustaining an ACL injury is the variation of the genes that regulate inflammation.

In a new study in the “Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport”, researchers analyzed the genetic profile of 177 subjects who had experienced an ACL injury, and compared this data to 216 healthy control subjects. The subjects with the ACL injury were more likely to possess genetic variations that increased the body’s inflammatory response.


Taking steps to lower overall systemic inflammation may be key for preventing injuries.


Suijkerbuijk, M. A., Ponzetti, M., Rahim, M., Posthumus, M., Häger, C. K., Stattin, E., … & Collins, M. (2019). Functional polymorphisms within the inflammatory pathway regulate expression of extracellular matrix components in a genetic risk dependent model for anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport22(11), 1219-1225.