Smoking Slows Down Connective Tissue Healing

Those who suffer from connective tissue dysfunction, such as tendon injuries, may be influenced by metabolic factors such as exposure to smoking.

In a new study in the “Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine”, rats with Achilles tendon injuries were placed in environments that contained smoke from cigarettes or vaping. After 6 weeks of being in these environments, the rats exposed to the smoke had significantly impaired healing of the tendon.


Many metabolic factors, including exposure to toxins such as cigarette smoke, can influence the body’s capacity to heal from injuries.


Kennedy, P., Saloky, K., Yadavalli, A., Barlow, E., Aynardi, M., Garner, M., … & Dhawan, A. (2019). Comparison of Achilles Tendon Healing After Exposure to Combusted Tobacco, Vaping, and Control in a Rat Model. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine7(7_suppl5), 2325967119S00328.