- Recognition of nonverbal displays of pride ranged from 73 to 95 percent – 19
- At about age 4, children could recognize nonverbal displays of pride – 22
- Subjects from a third world country that had not been exposed to Western culture were able to recognize nonverbal displays of pride with 54 percent accuracy – 24
- Male and female athletes were equaly likely to display pride in response to success… Winners from all cultures displyaed the same pride expression… Congenitally blind athletes broke into the same display after winning – 29
- Early in the study, students high in narcissm were well liked… afte seven weeks, peers began to dislike the narcissists – 39
- While narcissists scored high on measures of explicit self-esteem, they scored low on implicit measures of self-esteem – 42
- Ten year olds with low self-etseem are more likely to grow up to live a life of crime – 44
- There are really two kinds of pride, and they tend to break down into distinct positive and negative categories -46
- White participatnsa ssigned to write about a time they felt hubristic pride rated Asians more nagitvely than they rated Caucaisns. White participants who wrote about authentic pride rated Asians more positively than Caucasians… Those who were made to feel hubristic pride forced the gay prostitue to endure a harsher sentence… Authentic pride makes people care more about others – 54
- Participants were more liekly to associate the water boy with high status and the captain with lower status when they were exhibiting expressions of pride and shame… Pride expression is powerful enough to make a homeless man appear equally high in status as an shamed businessman – 105-106
- Both dominance and prestige were effective at gaining power… Even while acknowledging that they didn’t like the dominant group members, participants nonetheless viewed them as influential leaders- 128
- For the students who were high achievers, pride did not increase motivation… For people who didn’t usually ace their exams, authentic pride played a critical motivational role – 132
- College students prone to authentic pride demonstrated high levels of creative thining becausethey were intrinsically motivated, whiel students prone to hubristc pride domenstrate creativity only if they were xtrinsiically motivated – that is, if they believed their creativeity might help them attain some goal – 133
- Among those who had been made to feel happy, authentic pride made participants work harder. Among those who had been made angry, hubristic pride was more motivating – 134
- Even after five year olds find out their local expert may not know what they are talking about, they still trust her over a model who seems unsure about what she doesn’t know… When adults are distracted, they respond just like 5 year olds – 162-163
- Participants copied the wrong answer 80 percent of the time if the assistant displayed pride… When the assistant displayed happiness, participants copied 50 percent of the time… When the assistant was displaying shame or neutral expressions, the were only copied between 20 to 30 percent of the time – 164-165
- Children watched four instances in which a presenter displayed very high confidence but then turned out to be wrong… In this case, the children were more willing to learn from an unconfident person than the person with a record of being confident and wrong -167
- Those West Point cadets who cied reasons intstrincit to their ientity endde dup with more succesfu lcareers ten years later… Cadets who reported both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations were less likely to succeed than those who exclusivly reported intrinsic motivations – 176-177
- Reminding subjects ofe vents that made them feel pride prompted individuals to send more fish back in the pond – 185
- When participants were reminded how proud they would be from sharing, they shared more money… When participants were reminded how proud they would feel if they went home with more money, they shared less – 186
- Show your pride evidence for a discrete emotion expression
- Can children recognize pride
- The nonverbal expression of pride evidence for cross cultural recognition
- The spontaneous expression of pride and shame evidence for biologically innate nonverbal displays
- Intrapersonal and intrapychic adpatiness of trait self enahncemet a mixed lessing
- Secure and defensive high self-esteem
- Low self-estem during adoelscence predicts poor health criminla behavior and limited economic propsects during adulthood
- The psychological structure of pride a tale of two facets
- Pride and prejudice how feelngs about the self influence judgments of others, Types of high self esteem and prejudice how implicit self esteem related to racial discrimination among high explicit self esteem indiduals, PREjudiceas self image maintanece affirming the self through derogating other
- Implicitly judging a book by its cover the power of pride nd hsame epxressions in shaping judmgnet sof social status
- Two ways to the top evidence that prestige and dominance evidence are distinct yet viable avenues to social rank and influence
- The benefits of following your pride authentic pride promotes achievement
- Aristotles virtue or dantes deadlist sin the influence of athentic and hubristic pride on creative achivement
- The likn between dispotional pride and creaive thinking depends on current mood
- Accuracy confidence and calibration how young children and adults assess crediblity
- The emotional origins of social learning does the pride expresison cue copying
- You seem certain but were wrong before developemtnal changes in prescholers relative trust in accurate versus confident speakers
- Multiple types of motives don’t mulitply the movitaviato of west point cadets
- Proud to cooperate the canodiseriotn of pride pormotes cooperation in a social dilemma
- Regulating emotini the cntext of interperosnal decisins the roel of aniticpated pride and regret