Weak Toes and Ankles Contributes to Foot Problems

According to two new studies, individuals with weak muscles of the toe or ankle joints are more likely to experience pain around the foot or ankle joint.

In the first study, girls who suffered from bunions were shown to have weaker toe grip strength.

In the second study, both weak ankle plantarflexors and weak toe flexors were demonstrated to increase one’s likelihood of suffering from pain in the plantar fascia.


Both these studies indicate that any type of muscle imbalance in the foot or ankle region can lead to dysfunction and pain.  Individuals who are experiencing any ankle related dysfunction should seek a skilled physical therapist who can screen for these impairments.


Matsubara, K., Tasaka, S., Fukumoto, T., Nishiguchi, S., & Fukutani, N. (2016). Weak TGS Correlates with Hallux Valgus in 10–12 Year Old Girls: A Cross-Sectional Study. Clin Res Foot Ankle, 4(189), 2.

McClinton, S., Collazo, C., Vincent, E., & Vardaxis, V. (2016). Impaired Foot Plantar Flexor Muscle Performance in Individuals With Plantar Heel Pain and Association With Foot Orthosis Use. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 46(8), 681-688.