Whey Protein Beats Egg Protein for Building Muscle

When it comes to building muscle, whey protein appears to be superior to egg protein.

In a new study, rats were given different types of protein, and then biological markers of muscle anabolism were measured.  Some of these rats were given a placebo, while the rest were given protein powder with differing amounts of whey and egg protein.  In each instance in which more of the protein came from whey, markers of muscle anabolism were higher.


This study contains many obvious flaws.  Not only was the study done on rats rather than humans, but there is no guarantee that acute changes in signaling of muscle anabolism will lead to greater amounts of long-term hypertrophy.  Whether whey would actually lead to significantly higher increases in muscle mass compared to egg will need further research to determine.


Mobley, C. B., Fox, C. D., Ferguson, B. S., Pascoe, C. A., Healy, J. C., McAdam, J. S., … & Roberts, M. D. (2015). Effects of protein type and composition on postprandial markers of skeletal muscle anabolism, adipose tissue lipolysis, and hypothalamic gene expression. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 12(1), 14.